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Our Weekly Schedule

Sunday (Worship & Message are same for both services)

9:00 am - Worship Service

10:30 am - Worship Service


Sunday School - all ages during 9 am service (Subject to change for Summer break)

The Essentials Adult Sunday School Class - 9am

Children's Church - during 10:30 am service

AWANA - 3:00pm (Summer Break)

Sunday Prayer group - 5 pm

Youth Group - High School at 6 pm(Summer break with bi-monthly activities)



Elder & Finance Meetings alternate weeks



Women's Bible Study - 9:30 am  (Sessions depend on study)



Wednesday Bible Study - 10 am (Adult Bible Study led by Pastor Jake)



DTS - 6am

BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) - 9 am (Summer Break)

GriefShare - 6:30 pm (Summer Break)

Women's Bible Study - 6:30pm  (Sessions depend on study)



Events & Activities as scheduled



Men's Breakfast & Bible Study held once a month


Classes are subject to end or change ~ Please call church office if you have questions.

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